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Create TIN object (Triangulated Irregular Network) from points file

Download file "TIN_points_2.txt"
void DemoTin (HANDLE hLcWnd)
  WCHAR* szPntsFName = L"c:/Data/TIN/TIN_points_2.txt";
  WCHAR* szTinFName  = L"c:/Data/TIN/TIN_demo2.tin";
  WCHAR* szLcdFName  = L"c:/Data/TIN/Demo_with_TIN.lcd";
  HANDLE hBlock, hEntTIN, hPropWnd, hDrw;
  double Lef, Bot, Rig, Top, d, dx, dy, PixSize;
  bool   bUseColorFill = false;

  // get a block linked with the window
  hBlock = lcPropGetHandle( hLcWnd, LC_PROP_WND_VIEWBLOCK );
  // create TIN object from points file
  hEntTIN = lcBlockAddTIN( hBlock, szPntsFName, 1 );
  if (hEntTIN != 0){
    // set TIN name
    lcPropPutStr( hEntTIN, LC_PROP_TIN_NAME, L"Demo TIN" );
    // get TIN extents
    Lef = lcPropGetFloat( hEntTIN, LC_PROP_TIN_XMIN );
    Bot = lcPropGetFloat( hEntTIN, LC_PROP_TIN_YMIN );
    Rig = lcPropGetFloat( hEntTIN, LC_PROP_TIN_XMAX );
    Top = lcPropGetFloat( hEntTIN, LC_PROP_TIN_YMAX );
    // visibility of some elements
    lcPropPutBool( hEntTIN, LC_PROP_TIN_VIEWPTZ, false );
    lcPropPutBool( hEntTIN, LC_PROP_TIN_VIEWPTI, false );
    lcPropPutBool( hEntTIN, LC_PROP_TIN_VIEWPTN, false );
    lcPropPutBool( hEntTIN, LC_PROP_TIN_VIEWTRI, false );
    // set active tin (select it)
    lcBlockUnselect( hBlock );
    lcBlockSelectEnt( hBlock, hEntTIN, true );
    // define boundary
    if (lcTIN_Bnd( hEntTIN, 20.0, hLcWnd) == LC_TRUE){
      // hide visibility of the boundary
      lcPropPutBool( hEntTIN, LC_PROP_TIN_VIEWBND, false );
      // triangulate the boundary
      if (lcTIN_Triangulate( hEntTIN, hLcWnd ) == LC_TRUE){
        // generate Z-contours
        lcTIN_Isolines( hEntTIN, 0.1, 5, hLcWnd );
        if (bUseColorFill){
          // generate color fill. Raster image will have 1000 pixels of bigger side
          dx = Rig - Lef;
          dy = Top - Bot;
          if (dx > dy){
            PixSize = dx / 1000.0;
            PixSize = dy / 1000.0;
          lcTIN_ColorFill( hEntTIN, 0.1, PixSize, hLcWnd );
    lcBlockUnselect( hBlock );
    // update Properties window
    hPropWnd = lcPropGetHandle( hLcWnd, LC_PROP_WND_PROPWND );
    lcPropsUpdate( hPropWnd, true );

    // set view on the TIN extents
    d = ((Rig-Lef) + (Top-Bot)) / 20.0;  // add some gap around TIN extents
    lcWndZoomRect( hLcWnd, Lef-d, Bot-d, Rig+d, Top+d );

    // Save TIN data in a file. LCD file store only reference to this file
    lcTIN_Save( hEntTIN, szTinFName, 0, false, hLcWnd );

    // Save LCD file. This file has a reference to the TIN file
    hDrw = lcPropGetHandle( hLcWnd, LC_PROP_WND_DRW );
    lcDrwSave( hDrw, szLcdFName, false, hLcWnd );

This will create a drawing as shown on the picture below:

With color filling (bUseColorFill = true;) :